


最近熱門的Uber推出了新產品UberWalk啦? 認真看完這篇新聞之後就會發現….?!看個趣味假新聞,放鬆一下吧~


單字旁有 小圖示的,記得點擊聽聽單字怎麼唸哦!

  • announce [əˋnaʊns] (v.) 宣布、發布
  • enable [ɪnˋeb!] (v.) 使...能夠
  • due to [dju] (片語) 因為、由於
  • helmet [ˋhɛlmɪt] (n.) 安全帽
  • request [rɪˋkwɛst] (v.) 要求、請求

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  • After Bike, Uber announces UberWALK : Assistant holds your hand & walks till your destination!
  • Bengaluru: UberWalk will enable users to tap a button and get uber assistant who will help users walk to their destination by holding their hand. It’s a great way to save time and users will be able to browse Facebook & text on WhatsApp freely during the walk.
  • UberWalk is another big step to help cut the traffic in big cities due to large number of cars and two wheelers. Also with the new Helmet rules around the corner, UberWalk will be very useful for those who doesn’t own helmet or who hate wearing helmet. This also will be helpful for the lazy people who miss their jogging and walk session in the early morning.
    UberWalk 是另一大創舉,由於在大城市裡已有許多四輪或二輪的車輛,這將能幫助縮短交通時間。再者,即將施行的安全帽配戴的法規,對於沒有、或不喜歡配戴安全帽的乘客,UberWalk就會非常實用。 還有那些錯過晨跑、健走課程的懶人們,也十分有幫助。
  • The drivers will have their own Wifi hotspots which can be used by the users for free. The app will also show the total distance walked with the amount of calories burnt.
  • How it Works
    • Choose the UberWalk option in your uber app. Enter the pickup location and request for your ride.
      在你的Uber app內點選UberWalk。輸入接駁地點,送出需求。
    • Uber will show you the driver’s details straight away with name and photo of the driver.
    • You will be able to share the tracking details with your family and friends through the app.
    • At the end of the trip, you can choose various mode of payments including cash.
  • 文章節錄自:http://www.fakingnews.firstpost.com/2016/03/after-bike-uber-announces-uberwalk-assistant-holds-your-hand-walks-till-your-destination/
