



單字旁有 小圖示的,記得點擊聽聽單字怎麼唸哦!

  • divulge [dəˋvʌldʒ] (v.) 洩漏、暴露
  • razor [ˋrezɚ] (n.) 剃刀
  • clumsy [ˋklʌmzɪ] (adj.) 笨拙的、手腳不靈活的
  • platelet [ˋpletlɪt] (n.) 血小板
  • flaky [ˋflekɪ] (adj.) 層狀、脫屑狀

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  • Shower at night or in the morning? Science has the answe
  • In a nutshell: It depends on what your goals are. Like all things in life, there are benefits and drawbacks to both. If you partake in highly creative activities, for example, taking a shower at the *right* time could prove useful to getting those brain juices flowing. But depending on who you are and what you wanna do, there’s probably a time that would be best for you. Let us divulge some showering secrets!
  • You should be a morning showerer if. . .
  • You have oily skin.
  • You are a creative person (or need to be creative for your job). Taking a shower is a lot like meditating, because you enter a relaxed-yet-alert alpha brain wave state — a state that’s perfect for coming up with good ideas. This is why it’s best to take a shower at the beginning of the day to give your brain a kick-start.
  • You have a hard time waking up in the morning.
  • You work out in the early morning.
  • You tend to cut yourself while shaving. Maybe you get a little impatient when using the razor, or maybe you just can be a little clumsy sometimes, but if you tend to knick yourself often, a morning shower is the way to go. According to Greatist, our bodies get a surge of “clot-forming platelets” in the morning until around noon, which means the bleeding stops sooner in the morning than it does in the evening. Good to know.
  • You should be an evening showerer if. . .
  • You have a hard time getting to sleep. Yeah, I know I just said that morning showers can wake you up — but at night, it’s a totally different story. “That rapid cooling after you get out of the shower or out of the bath tends to be a natural sleep inducer,” Christopher Winter, M.D., a fellow at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and medical director at the sleep center at Martha Jefferson Hospital, told Greatist. “So it’s a nice way to fool your body into thinking it’s time to go to bed.”
    你晚上很難入睡。是的,我知道剛剛有提到早上洗澡可以讓你甦醒,不過晚上呢,又是另外一回事。美國睡眠內科學院成員兼Martha Jefferson醫院睡眠中心的Christopher Winter, M.D.表示「在你洗澡後跨出浴缸的那個瞬間冷卻,是一個天然的睡眠誘導體,所以這是一個很好的方式來騙你的身體,讓它去思考該去睡覺了。」
  • You suffer from dry skin. If your skin tends to get flaky and dry, relegate your showers to post-work.
  • You keep your sheets clean.
  • Your day-to-day living makes you come into contact with not-so-clean stuff.
  • 文章節錄自:http://hellogiggles.com/shower-night-vs-morning/
