



單字旁有 小圖示的,記得點擊聽聽單字怎麼唸哦!

  • solidarity [sɑləˋdærətɪ] (n.) 團結、一致
  • conflict [kənˋflɪkt] (n.) 矛盾、衝突
  • summon [ˋsʌmən] (v.) 鼓起(勇氣),振作(精神)
  • occupant [ˋɑkjəpənt] (n.) 佔有人
  • shortlist [ˋˈʃɔ:tlɪst] (v.) 把……列入供最後挑選用的候選人名單

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  • (CNN)Ahead of competing at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janiero, Yusra Mardini, along with the nine other athletes that make up the Olympic Refugee Team were sent a letter by Pope Francis.
    在參加本次於里約熱內盧舉辦的奧運賽前,教宗方濟各寫了信給Yusra Mardini及其他9位成員所組成的奧運難民隊。
  • "I extend my greetings and wish you success at the Olympic Games in Rio -- that your courage and strength find expression through the Olympic Games and serve as a cry for peace and solidarity," wrote the Pope.
  • Aged 14, Mardini swam for Syria at swimming's short-course world championships in 2012. But with her home destroyed in the ongoing conflict, she and her sister decided to flee the country in August last year.
  • From Lebanon they reached Turkey and then took a boat to Greece -- but the boat began to slowly sink as it took on water during the journey.
  • Mardini had to jump into the water and, summoning all of her swimming and survival know-how, help push the boat and its occupants until it safely reached Greek shores.
  • "I thought it would be a real shame if I drowned in the sea, because I am a swimmer," is how she summed up the nightmare to reporters earlier this year. She is now living and training in Germany.
  • "These refugees have no home, no team, no flag, no national anthem," International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said when he announced the selected athletes last month. The IOC came up with the plan in March, creating a $2 million training fund and shortlisting dozens of refugee athletes for potential selection.
    國際奧運委員會主席Thomas Bach於上月宣佈獲選運動員名單時說到『這些難民沒有家,沒有隊伍,沒有國旗,沒有國歌』,IOC(國際奧運委員會的縮寫)在三月的時候提出這個計畫,設立了一個200萬的訓練基金,並選出12位難民運動員提供初選。
  • Bach added: "These refugee athletes will show the world that despite the unimaginable tragedies that they have faced, anyone can contribute to society through their talent, skills and strength of the human spirit."
  • 文章節錄自:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/08/06/sport/rio-2016-refugee-team-olympics-syria/index.html
