
三星Note 7事件



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  • resume [rɪˋzjum] (v.) 重新開始、繼續
  • halt [hɔlt] (v.) 暫停、終止、停止
  • rollout [ˋrol͵aʊt] (n.) 首次展示
  • recall [rɪˋkɔl] (v.) 叫回、召回、想起
  • prompt [prompt] (v.) 促使、引起

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  • Samsung will resume sales of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone in South Korea later this month.
    三星將於九月底再度銷售Galaxy Note7手機。
  • Well, almost no water. AeroFarms, the company behind the venture, say they will use 95% less water than a conventional outdoor farm.
  • The world's largest smartphone maker halted the global rollout of its new phone on Sept. 2 after reports of the devices catching fire.
  • Since then, Samsung has been scrambling to recall and replace 2.5 million Note 7s it had already sold. Sales will resume in its home market on Sept. 28 and in other countries when conditions allow, a company spokeswoman said.
    自從事件發生後,三星倉促地召回並置換了已售出的兩百五十萬台Note 7。發言人表示,9月28日將重新於國內市場再度銷售,而其他國家則是等條件許可後。
  • The Note 7's battery problem affected 0.1% of the phones sold worldwide since August. But the recall has wiped billion of dollars off the South Korean firm's market value.
    自八月以來,Note 7的電池問題影響了0.1%的全球手機銷售業績。但是光是召回就耗掉這間南韓公司上億元的市價。
  • The fire risk has prompted warnings from authorities not to use the phones on planes, trains and buses. U.S. regulators officially told users on Thursday to "immediately stop using and power down" the devices. Samsung plans to start providing new "battery-problem-free" Note 7 phones to current owners in South Korea on Monday. It also plans to issue a software fix that will prevent the batteries from charging above 60% of capacity.
    起火的風險也促使相關當局警告不要在飛機上、火車上或公車上使用此款手機。美國的監管機構也於周四正式告知使用者「立即停止使用並關機」。三星計畫周一開始提供新款的「無障礙電池」的Note 7給目前南韓的使用者。同時也計畫要發行一款軟體來修正問題,將可避免電池充電高於60%的容量。
  • Some customers have expressed frustration at the company's response to the crisis.
  • "Every time I charge my phone, I wind up reaching over and touching it to see if it's getting warm," Note 7 user Andy Shannon told CNNMoney on Thursday. "It does make me nervous."
    上周四使用者Andy Shannon告訴CNNMoney:「我每次使用手機的時候,變成不斷的伸手過去摸摸看它是否有變熱,這讓我緊張兮兮的」
  • 文章節錄自:http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/16/technology/samsung-galaxy-note-7-sales-resume/index.html
