



單字旁有 小圖示的,記得點擊聽聽單字怎麼唸哦!

  • mogul [moˋgʌl] (n.) 大亨、大富豪
  • regardless of [rɪˋgɑrdlɪs ɑv] 不管
  • buck [bʌk] (v.) 反對
  • protocol [ˋprotə͵kɑl] (n.) (尤指外交)禮節
  • rare [rɛr] (adj.) 稀有的、罕見的

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  • (CNN)Continuing with the theme that paced his campaign, President-elect Donald Trump was anything but a traditional politician on Friday, holding a phone call with the President of Taiwan.
  • With a Twitter post Friday evening, the business mogul declared the call was of a congratulatory nature and came directly from President Tsai Ing-wen.
  • Trump's transition team backed up the President-elect's tweet, adding that "during the discussion, they noted the close economic, political, and security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States."
  • Regardless of the nature of the call, it's an act that bucks normal diplomatic protocol, and in the eyes of critics, could pose a dangerous threat to the United States.
  • Appearing on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," former US Ambassador Christopher Hill noted just how rare Trump's decision was.
    前美國大使希爾在CNN “柏奈特有話大聲說”節目中表示,川普與台灣領導人通話的決定相當罕見。
  • "Eight years during the Reagan administration, this (a call between US and Taiwanese leaders) never happened. Four years during the Bush Senior administration, this never happened. Eight years of Clinton, eight years of George W. Bush and eight years of Obama," said Hill, who served as the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs under Bush 43.
  • Trump's conversation with President Tsai Ing-wen marks the first publicly reported call between a U.S. President or President-elect, and a Taiwanese leader, since 1979, and Hill said it represents a scary tendency to act without a proper understanding of diplomacy.
  • 文章節錄自:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/05/politics/donald-trump-china-taiwan-clash/index.html
