
你該立即捨棄的11個日常用品PART 1



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  • fiendishly [ˋfindɪʃlɪ] (adv.) 惡魔般地、殘忍地
  • landfill [ˋlændfɪl] (n.) 垃圾填埋、垃圾填埋地
  • biodegrade [baɪodɪˋgred] (v.) 生物分解
  • disposable [dɪˋspozəb!] (adj.) 用完即丟棄的,一次性使用的
  • respiratory [rɪˋspaɪrə͵torɪ] (adj.) 呼吸的

(n.) 名詞 (v.) 動詞 (adj.) 形容詞 (adv.) 副詞


  1. 11 everyday items you should stop using right now
  2. Coffee pods咖啡膠囊
    • The sleek capsules deliver gourmet quality coffee with the advantage of low cost and high convenience. Little wonder that the pods achieved rapid popularity—29% of US households own a coffee pod machine according to the National Coffee Association.
    • But there are high costs elsewhere as the plastic and aluminum pods are fiendishly difficult to recycle and billions end up in landfill each year. Former Nespresso CEO Jean-Paul Gaillard has stated that they are contributing to an environmental disaster, although the company claims to be addressing recycling and sustainability concerns.
      但它卻有所費不貲之處,因為塑膠和鋁製成的膠囊極其難以回收,每年大多都當作垃圾掩埋收場。Nespresso前執行長Jean-Paul Gaillard就說他們正在製造環境災難,儘管這間公司宣稱它們會解決再回收與永續環保問題。
    • The German city of Hamburg recently banned the use of coffee pods in public buildings, and the conflict seems guaranteed to escalate.
  3. Toothpaste 牙膏
    • Well, not all toothpaste. But many brands have been discovered to contain plastic microbeads, a leading contributor to the eight million tons of plastic that enters the ocean each year with devastating consequences for wildlife and the marine environment. Microbeads do not biodegrade and too small to be caught in clean-up exercises, and attract toxic chemicals as they travel.
    • The microscopic menaces are also found in various shower gel and cream products, but perhaps not for much longer. US President Barack Obama has banned microbeads, and countries across Europe are following suit.
  4. Wooden chopsticks 木筷(免洗筷)
    • The challenging utensils are stripping Asian forests bare. Almost four million trees are sacrificed to produce 57 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks each year according to Greenpeace, and they are treated with chemicals that can cause respiratory disorders.
    • There are also human rights issues as chopsticks are sometimes produced in labor camps, according to Amnesty International.
  5. Wet wipes 濕紙巾
    • Wet wipes are increasingly popular for use on skin or household surfaces, which is causing problems further down the line. Although labeled as "flushable," they contain plastic and don't break down easily like toilet paper. When disposed via the toilet, the non-biodegradable products cause blockages and 'fatbergs' in sewers, and wash up in huge volumes on beaches.
  6. 文章節錄自:http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/08/world/gallery/eco-bad-habits/index.html
